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We propose a new causal inference framework to learn causal effects from multiple, decentralized data sources in a federated setting. We introduce an adaptive transfer algorithm that learns the similarities among the data sources by utilizing Random Fourier Features to disentangle the loss function into multiple components, each of which is associated with a data source. The data sources may have different distributions; the causal effects are independently and systematically incorporated. The proposed method estimates the similarities among the sources through transfer coefficients, and hence requiring no prior information about the similarity measures. The heterogeneous causal effects can be estimated with no sharing of the raw training data among the sources, thus minimizing the risk of privacy leak. We also provide minimax lower bounds to assess the quality of the parameters learned from the disparate sources. The proposed method is empirically shown to outperform the baselines on decentralized data sources with dissimilar distributions.
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Rapid advancements in collection and dissemination of multi-platform molecular and genomics data has resulted in enormous opportunities to aggregate such data in order to understand, prevent, and treat human diseases. While significant improvements have been made in multi-omic data integration methods to discover biological markers and mechanisms underlying both prognosis and treatment, the precise cellular functions governing these complex mechanisms still need detailed and data-driven de-novo evaluations. We propose a framework called Functional Integrative Bayesian Analysis of High-dimensional Multiplatform Genomic Data (fiBAG), that allows simultaneous identification of upstream functional evidence of proteogenomic biomarkers and the incorporation of such knowledge in Bayesian variable selection models to improve signal detection. fiBAG employs a conflation of Gaussian process models to quantify (possibly non-linear) functional evidence via Bayes factors, which are then mapped to a novel calibrated spike-and-slab prior, thus guiding selection and providing functional relevance to the associations with patient outcomes. Using simulations, we illustrate how integrative methods with functional calibration have higher power to detect disease related markers than non-integrative approaches. We demonstrate the profitability of fiBAG via a pan-cancer analysis of 14 cancer types to identify and assess the cellular mechanisms of proteogenomic markers associated with cancer stemness and patient survival.
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The automated synthesis of correct-by-construction Boolean functions from logical specifications is known as the Boolean Functional Synthesis (BFS) problem. BFS has many application areas that range from software engineering to circuit design. In this paper, we introduce a tool BNSynth, that is the first to solve the BFS problem under a given bound on the solution space. Bounding the solution space induces the synthesis of smaller functions that benefit resource constrained areas such as circuit design. BNSynth uses a counter-example guided, neural approach to solve the bounded BFS problem. Initial results show promise in synthesizing smaller solutions; we observe at least \textbf{3.2X} (and up to \textbf{24X}) improvement in the reduction of solution size on average, as compared to state of the art tools on our benchmarks. BNSynth is available on GitHub under an open source license.
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Timely and effective feedback within surgical training plays a critical role in developing the skills required to perform safe and efficient surgery. Feedback from expert surgeons, while especially valuable in this regard, is challenging to acquire due to their typically busy schedules, and may be subject to biases. Formal assessment procedures like OSATS and GEARS attempt to provide objective measures of skill, but remain time-consuming. With advances in machine learning there is an opportunity for fast and objective automated feedback on technical skills. The SimSurgSkill 2021 challenge (hosted as a sub-challenge of EndoVis at MICCAI 2021) aimed to promote and foster work in this endeavor. Using virtual reality (VR) surgical tasks, competitors were tasked with localizing instruments and predicting surgical skill. Here we summarize the winning approaches and how they performed. Using this publicly available dataset and results as a springboard, future work may enable more efficient training of surgeons with advances in surgical data science. The dataset can be accessed from
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我们研究了与从介入数据中恢复因果图有关的两个问题:(i)$ \ textIt {verification} $,其中的任务是检查声称的因果图是否正确,并且(ii)$ \ textit {search} $,任务是恢复正确的因果图。对于这两者,我们都希望最大程度地减少执行的干预措施的数量。对于第一个问题,我们给出了一组最小尺寸的原子干预措施的表征,这些干预措施是必要且足以检查所要求的因果图的正确性。我们的表征使用$ \ textit {coving edges} $的概念,这使我们能够获得简单的证据,并且很容易理解早期结果。我们还将结果推广到有限尺寸干预措施和节点依赖性干预成本的设置。对于上述所有设置,我们提供了第一种已知的可验证算法,用于有效地计算(接近)一般图上的最佳验证集。对于第二个问题,我们给出了一种基于图形分离器的简单自适应算法,该算法会产生一个原子干预集,该集合在使用$ \ MATHCAL {O}(\ log n)$ times $ times所需的$所需干预措施时,该算法完全围绕任何必需图表。 \ textIt {verify} $(验证大小)$ n $顶点上的基础dag。相对于验证大小而言,此近似值是紧密的,因为$ \ textit {any} $搜索算法的最差情况是$ \ omega(\ log n)$的最差情况。使用有限的大小干预措施,每个大小$ \ leq k $,我们的算法给出了$ \ mathcal {o}(\ log n \ cdot \ log \ log \ log k)$ factor actialation。我们的结果是第一种已知的算法,该算法对一般未加权图和有界尺寸干预的验证尺寸提供了非平凡的近似保证。
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自我监督学习(SSL)是一种新兴技术,已成功地用于培训卷积神经网络(CNNS)和图形神经网络(GNNS),以进行更可转移,可转换,可推广和稳健的代表性学习。然而,很少探索其对自动驾驶的运动预测。在这项研究中,我们报告了将自学纳入运动预测的首次系统探索和评估。我们首先建议研究四项新型的自我监督学习任务,以通过理论原理以及对挑战性的大规模argoverse数据集进行运动预测以及定量和定性比较。其次,我们指出,基于辅助SSL的学习设置不仅胜过预测方法,这些方法在性能准确性方面使用变压器,复杂的融合机制和复杂的在线密集目标候选优化算法,而且具有较低的推理时间和建筑复杂性。最后,我们进行了几项实验,以了解为什么SSL改善运动预测。代码在\ url {}上开源。
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两个分支网络体系结构显示了其对实时语义分割任务的效率和有效性。但是,低水平细节和高级语义的直接融合将导致一种现象,即周围的上下文信息很容易被详细特征淹没,即本文中的超声波,这限制了现有的两种分支模型的准确性的提高。在本文中,我们桥接了卷积神经网络(CNN)与比例综合衍生物(PID)控制器之间的联系,并揭示了两个分支网络不过是一个比例综合(PI)控制器,它固有地来自于此。类似的过冲问题。为了减轻这个问题,我们提出了一个新颖的三个分支网络架构:Pidnet,它分别拥有三个分支来分析详细的,上下文和边界信息(语义的导数),并采用边界关注来指导详细和背景的融合在最后阶段的分支。 PIDNET家族在推理速度和准确性之间实现了最佳的权衡,其测试准确性超过了所有存在的模型,这些模型在CityScapes,Camvid和Coco-STUFF数据集上具有相似的推理速度。尤其是,Pidnet-S在CityScapes测试套装上以93.2 fps的推理速度达到78.6%,在CAMVID测试集上速度为153.7 fps,速度为80.1%。
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